Vi skal hjelpe klubbene til å få en god økonomi slik at kontingentene kan holdes nede, og at alle kan være med på cuper og samlinger.
Det er blitt vanskeligere de senere årene å få medlemmer og foreldre til å stille opp på dugnad. Vi skal senke denne terskelen betraktelig ved å bygge et system som sterkt forenkler og effektiviserer salgsdugnaden. Samtidig skal vi ha gode produkter som gir høy og stabil fortjeneste til klubber og lag.
Originally from Kolbotn outside Oslo. Moved to Uppsala in 1984 to study economics at the university there. Lives on Lidingö outside Stockholm.
Has owned and operated one of Stockholm's largest event and catering companies. In addition to being an active owner in Teamsupport1, I am a shareholder in the European Sports Group in Sweden together with, among others, the former world champion in tennis, Magnus Norman, and the former captain of the Swedish national ice hockey team, Jörgen Jönsson. ESG works for more children and young people to be given opportunities for activity and movement, regardless of the conditions.
I am married to Katarina and have two children, Sofie and Gustav. In my free time, I like to play tennis, go in the mountains, and try to hit a few golf balls sometimes.
I have been team manager for my son's football team for six years when my son was younger, and for three years I was responsible for the elite juniors at Lidingö GK.